flower arrangement

Caregiver Workshops by Club Rainbow (Singapore)'s satellite centres at KKH and NUH

(Graphics)When can caregivers like me actually have time for myself_ Can I create such moments_ Of course you can!- Ask _ - Seek _ Reach out to available respite care services in the community - Knock _ .png

During therapy sessions or classes is one of the times for caregivers to let down their hair and relax, take a little time to reconnect back to their well-being and having some ‘me’ time. Acting as a complement to our main facility downtown, both satellite fronts in KKH (Kandang Kerbau Hospital) and NUH (National University Hospital) do organise some interesting workshops for caregivers in the short given period.

Workshops are potentially run by caregivers themselves, activities dedicated for caregivers by caregivers. We see individuals coming to partake, learn a new skill and discover new interests together.

Pebble Painting by Miss Christine Yong (a friend of our beneficiary’s mother) at Agape Village.

Flower Hand Bouquet Workshop by Susan, a volunteer at KKH. On other occasions, she teaches painting to breast cancer survivors as a way for them to destress.